lol, you like the Frozen

MB: I like everything.

Sometimes some human quality has to make those things happen, a lot of people cared about what other people thinks, or say, or do to them.....or other people critique them, their family say something, so they don't be that active to fullfill your every wish Babaji.

MB: I need all my wishes fullfilled!

It has to be your organization?

Both: Yes.

If they got jailed, it practically no human exists to that they care anything you say, you think, you do. Its completely only operate on the official order. What can I do? Your entire followers, are not meant to be the disciples to lure the money for the greater life ending up in jail.

MB: They are not supposed to be in jail. 

I tell you what I know. Most of these what religious behind to becomes a money collecting agent, all went to jail. To me like that, this world no one cares about that tiny spirituality you say, nor your letter what you meant...fosters their near by. If they could put down all those heart, you wouldn't be here, would you?

MB: Well, I was thinking a more fruition methods.

What would that be?

MB: Just like I say to you before.

You cannot tell them to hold 194 country people's necks, to say commander-in-Chef.

MB: Why not?

You are using my voice here to make a magic in the indian color? I don't think so, that won't work.

MB: There is a sale.

No. That cannot do, too many junks Babaji. If one day the world becomes the paradise, you might imagine that. Otherwise I operate this 194 border, not many garbage they did this far in my one life alone. Too many Indian people goes to jail things. 


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