
Showing posts from July, 2022

It comes to my recallation ... I often speak of certain things in the letters, that given out, spreading it all out. All winds kinds of weather.

I don't see any activity why you say you worth deem the soul to be savior, really....Often I say that many things in the letter how love one another its to fulfill that destiny together. Not to taken each other a ride, whom else you will all believing it whom else will taken you all a ride....soon.

The Way, Its Be Clear At your Mind, the Mind jobs.

So many of this marriage proposal broken. That is what I say? In my letters? So many arguments, not supporting each other?! That is what you all aimiing for this side, another side, opposite side? Really! I don't see the points you realize what you putting up yourself right now at this moment, to every weather kinds of the future you will be embarking the journey alone. Truly alone. I hope you hint every words I say. Close.

Microphone, Speaker Loud. I am MAHAVATAR BABAJI!

It cannot be that useless, right? (Its at the dance session)

I have a problem getting the URL, so this redudant telling me, now it works?

I got the URL:  194002-z I need a minute. Thats 烈火如歌! Video is.... .the Lords of Rings I don't know its the Clouds or the Birds make him Babaji more mad or what. Might be Indian 500 years old too, what an Astral form....Never set foot on the ground little mermaid story. 餘音繞樑  The resounding methods of....revolving pillars downwards up . I have put that in the Little Kids little Monks Playlist. We gonna stop here, to proceeding to the -z website. This is are important the lyrics. I will translate.  Lyrics: 烈火如歌 (This is the TV Drama Name) Its just one of the MV songs they made on Youtube. Classic Chinese Sing There is a beauty, cannot forgotton the moment saw. One day don't see, the thought driven nuts. The Wind flying flying shi....~~~( That is a Chinese old word, not the modern Shi meaning don't talk, but same sound) Four seas looking for a pheonix, cannot help the beauty shi, not at the Eastern Wall, replace the string zither of the replacem...